Sunday, January 24, 2016

An Amazing Event

This past Friday was January 22nd - a date we have been looking forward to for several months.  The first ever Los Algodones Fundraiser was held and Take My Hand was the designated beneficiary.  Sani Group outdid themselves and Miriam should be very proud.  The number of those attending was small but the event was huge - wonderful entertainment and lots of joy in the faces of the children.

The "Tall Guys" were a bit scary to the kids at first  - look at the little one in the green shirt trying to figure out the feet of this guy...

The children ate lunch at the event and they were so well behaved that everyone commented on it - proud of all of them.

The first act was very loud and on stage a long time - kids not sure what to think...

My "Tres Amigos" photo is now famous - here's the kids a year later.

"Take My Hand" made a new friend and I know she will be involved in the years to come.

The acrobats were amazing and the children watched carefully.

The folk dancers were beautiful and talented.

This young lady celebrated her 9th birthday the day of the event - yes, she was thrilled.

Some of the loud music was had on little ears.

The Mariachi Band was well received.

They not only sang to our birthday girl but allowed our birthday girl to sing a song with them - what a talent.

Listen to bit of her performance.

Miriam with the announcers who really did a great job of keeping it all together.

When there was a delay in the program, the kids took to the stage - very spontaneous performance.

And then the Flamingo Dancers arrived and what a fabulous end to a great day!

Thank you to all who participated, to all who attended and to the sponsors.  The children at Take My Hand appreciate everything - they had a great time and one they will remember forever.

You never know when your actions, great or small, will influence another's life.  So let's always remember to  Listen when God whispers and respond when He nudges.